Field experiments

Live experiments of our products in the fields

Soil salinity experiment

Soil salinity experiment

4/15/2024 9:05:55 AM

The following compounds were tested on soil salinity in tomato and eggplant crops

The following compounds were tested on soil salinity in tomato and eggplant crops

1. Magrocal compound: At a concentration of 1 liter/acre (first treatment), it was tested on tomato crops.

2. Carne compound: concentration of 2 liters/acre (second treatment) was tested on tomato crops.

3. Butka compound: At a concentration of 1 kg/acre (third treatment), it was tested on the eggplant crop.

4. Kura compound: At a concentration of 2 liters/acre (fourth treatment), it was tested on eggplant crops.

Transaction results
Transactions were evaluated 8 days after the transaction
The results were as follows:
The most effective compound is Butka, where new growth was observed significantly, followed by Kura, followed by Margocal, Carne series.

Magroxin (root stimulant) was then added.

Treatment results after adding the root stimulant Magroxin
The Butka and Magrocal compounds proved highly effective, as new growth and new branches were observed to appear very noticeably.